Dr. William Domb

Past President International Association of Ozone in Healthcare Bill Domb maintained a very busy high-tech practice in Southern California east of Los Angeles, at the base of the San Gabriel Mountains in Upland and welcomed visitors from many states and countries to visit each year. Primary focus has been on aesthetic restorative directions, but the practice has a number of other active centers such as headache-TMD, fresh breath, anesthesia and sedation dentistry, implantology, underlying biochemistry analysis, and minimally interventive/preventive services with a focus on the many uses of ozone. Bill is a co-founder of the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, AAOSH, and the producer of the website ZT4BG.com. He founded the International Association of Ozone in Healthcare, currently its immediate past president.

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Ozone options for dental ozone users

William Domb

How dentists are using ozone and WHY PHYSICIANS SHOULD CARE

William Domb