Tom Lowe

Ozone and UBI work Synergistically together. A novel clinical application of light, ozone and blood.

A Talk by BSc Tom Lowe (Physicians UBI Awareness Center)

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About this Talk

The ten pass high dose ozone has been around for a number of years. The process is somewhat difficult, time consuming and expensive. A new therapy called HD O3UV combines the positive and synergistic benefits of ozone and UV light into one seamless and less expensive therapy. The combination of 70,000 mcg of ozone and UV to a much smaller amount of blood has shown success in over 13,000 treatments.

About The Speaker

Tom Lowe

BSc Tom Lowe

Physicians UBI Awareness Center

Author of Invisible Cure – Definitive Guide to Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation • BSc -University of Wisconsin – Science and Education • Environmental hazmat mitigation and consulting for over 25 years • Designed and manufactured HEPA systems • Software company used by National Association for Pupil Transportation, Michigan School Business Officials and the Michigan Association for Pupil Transportation • Designed software on Blood Borne Pathogens, Right to Know, Haz waste, Pesticides. • Developed software for Hospital preparedness for Bioterrorism • Co-founded an alternative health clinic in Michigan • Developed Physicians UBI Awareness Center • President of SOPMed – Society of Progressive Medical Education • Developed a top alternative medicine conference for 5 years – SOPMed • Co-developer of the CE certified medical device for UBI – Ultralux UV • Taught physicians in Japan, the Philippines, Ukraine, Mexico, Cuba, Spain, Guatemala, San Salvador and around the US. • Currently working with over 500 physicians of alternative and Integrative physicians and clinics around the US and world. As they develop their UBI and ozone programs. • Author of the definitive guide to all things UBI called Invisible Cure.