Dennis Mihalka

Ozone Water

A Talk by Dr. Dennis Mihalka (Smile Place Products, Smile Place Products)

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About this Talk

With nine years experience monitoring dental offices water lines, we have not witnessed any system that consistently passes FDA/CDA Standard of 500 CFU/ml...except for ozonation of distilled water. The problem of dental unit water lines and why they must be treated continuously. A number of office results will be presented, and economic and proven effective designs and materials will be presented. Your team and patients will be healthier and feel more safe.

<pre>Absolute mandatory for dental offices Systems available up to 10 op clinic Ozone water for home use </pre>

About The Speaker

Dennis Mihalka

Dr. Dennis Mihalka

Smile Place Products, Smile Place Products

Ozone Background, Science, Applications and Equipment ◦ Private practice, Bob Barkley model, American Society Preventive Dentistry ◦ First ozone introduction and conference, Ed Lynch 2005. ◦ Purchased Healozone 2007 ($17K) ◦ Design/built ozone delivery systems since 2008. ◦ Presenter at the following: ▪ Bill Domb DDS, Ozone training sessions, ▪ IAOH, charter board member ▪ Frontiers in Ozone:  Cuba, 2014 ▪ Ozone Masters, 2016 ▪ Frontiers 2 in Ozone, 2017 ▪ AAO, 2018  research ozonated saline ▪ Frontiers 3, 2018 ▪ Ozone Masters 2019 ▪ AAO, 2019 Ear Insufflation, case studies