Dennis Mihalka

Tubing Makes a Difference

A Talk by Dr. Dennis Mihalka (Smile Place Products, Smile Place Products)

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About this Talk

Material compatibility with ozone is critical from an equipment point of view. Also the significant impact of ozone on ozone "resistant" materials on delivered concentration will be shown. Recommendations will be made for system design and materials will be made to optimize utilization as well as patient care.

Silicone vs Teflon and other Materials Diameter and length- Big Deal! Common mistakes Best recommendations

About The Speaker

Dennis Mihalka

Dr. Dennis Mihalka

Smile Place Products, Smile Place Products

Ozone Background, Science, Applications and Equipment ◦ Private practice, Bob Barkley model, American Society Preventive Dentistry ◦ First ozone introduction and conference, Ed Lynch 2005. ◦ Purchased Healozone 2007 ($17K) ◦ Design/built ozone delivery systems since 2008. ◦ Presenter at the following: ▪ Bill Domb DDS, Ozone training sessions, ▪ IAOH, charter board member ▪ Frontiers in Ozone:  Cuba, 2014 ▪ Ozone Masters, 2016 ▪ Frontiers 2 in Ozone, 2017 ▪ AAO, 2018  research ozonated saline ▪ Frontiers 3, 2018 ▪ Ozone Masters 2019 ▪ AAO, 2019 Ear Insufflation, case studies