Doctors & Professionals

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Meet our Speakers

We've gathered some of the top experts in the field to discuss this topic. With years of experience between them, they're well-equipped to offer invaluable insights and perspectives.

Jeff Baker MD.

Jeff Baker MD.

The Healing Sanctuary, THE HEALING SANCTUARY

Hal Blatman MD.

Hal Blatman MD.

Blatman Health And Wellness

Andrew Bloch

Andrew Bloch

President, Pain Arthritis Relief Center

Dr. William Cowden

Dr. William Cowden

Robert (Bob) Dennis PhD

Robert (Bob) Dennis PhD

Micro-Pulse LLC

Dr. William Domb

Dr. William Domb

Past President International Association of Ozone in Healthcare

Dr. Antonio Jimenez

Dr. Antonio Jimenez

Founder and Chief Medical Office, Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers

Dr. Michelle Jorgensen

Dr. Michelle Jorgensen

Total Care Dental & Wellness, Total care Dental

Joy Kong MD.

Joy Kong MD.

President, American Academy of Integrative Cell Therapy

Dr. Joseph Purita

Dr. Joseph Purita

Medical Director, The Institute of Regenerative Medicine

Dr. Jason West

Dr. Jason West

West Clinic


Fascia – A New Paradigm for Understanding and Treating Pain

Hal Blatman

Stem Cell Therapy as An Antiaging Tool

Joy Kong

How dentists are using ozone and WHY PHYSICIANS SHOULD CARE

William Domb

Oxidative therapies tailored to the patient

William Cowden

Oxygenation in Integrative Cancer Treatment Protocols:

Antonio Jimenez


Joseph Purita

Ozone Use in a Health-Based Dental Practice

Michelle Jorgensen

Financial success with Ozone!

Jason West

PEMF - The Ultimate Adjunct

Robert (Bob) Dennis

PainLESS Dry Needling - NO needles are Required

Andrew Bloch

Ozone & Recurrent Miscarriage

Jeff Baker

Learn from brands like these

West Clinic
The Institute of Regenerative Medicine
Total Care Dental & Wellness
Zero tolerance for bleeding gums
The healing sanctuary
Blatman Health and Wellness Center
Hope4Cancer Treatment Centers
Lifeworks Wellness Center
Micro Pulse
American Academy of Integrative Cell Therapy